Sabtu, 13 Desember 2008

Coca-Cola: This is the Factory - The Movie!

Coca-Cola: il s'agit de la Factory - The Movie! C'est une animation qui est si courte et belle publicité pour Coca-Cola.

Tout a commencé avec un spot animé créé par Psyop ensuite donnée à la Cuke et de l'agence Wieden + Kennedy. Depuis le lancement de cette annonce, en 2006, l'original "Ils Factory» a été fait à devenir la valeur la plus élevée de la place Le Coca-Cola Company a jamais testé. Cette annonce a réussi a remporté plusieurs prix, dont le "Lion d'Argent» à la publicité de Cannes 2007 prix, et le plus puissant est le "Grand Prix Grand Prix" à la Epica Awards 2006, et dernière candidature pour le premier temps commercial "Emmy" aux États-Unis. Il s'agit de la dernière tranche de l'usine

Coke Happiness Factory

Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

Carlsberg launches Web-TV channel

ans l'ère moderne de la mondialisation, comme cette civilization et les réseaux ont été mis au point très rapidement,
ici nous montrer la TV Web de l'événement émissions de télévision en ligne, et nous avons pour objectif de l'amateur de football.
Dans notre program-vous profiter de l'événement en direct et à ne pas confondre facilement à trouver que, parfois, d'autres réseaux Sportif souvent erreur.
Nous offrons aussi de nombreux autres programs qui vous donnent de divertissement de très intéressant pour vous.
plus d'informations, visitez le site cliquez ici Carlsberg et Web-TV. Se joindre à nous dès que vous pouvez vous rendre à l'événement que vous souhaitez.

Kamis, 21 Agustus 2008

The history of the musical instrument keyboard

history of the musical instrument keyboard

Keyboard this was typical from the west. The musical instrument keyboard got his vote from the manipulation of keys, there were those who was pressed, there were also those who was stepped on. The composition kibor followed logic from left low tones to right high tones. The left composition right to bass to treble this was current for all the kinds keyboard that generally is the piano, the organ, harpsiscord and clavichord.
The musicians personally more liked to group him in his method of producing the voice. There is chordophone where strings were knocked on until be shaking and causing the voice. This entered the piano group. Afterwards aerophone where tubes were passed air that his vibration produced the voice. Inside was the organ group. Finally was electrophone where the wave of electricity was scared to produce the voice. The instrument of the electric piano, the electric organ was the example. This last group developed very fast at the end the 20th age. The instrument electrophone this now could produce all the qualities of your voice was old him. From the piano to the organ could be produced by kibor electronics that was mentioned synthesizer.

Instrumen keyboard this has been since ancient. In the ladder of the West tone that was acknowledged as diatonic, tonal was divided into 12 tones. There was the tone be full and had the tone semi-tone. To the instrument kibor the two tone groups are normally distinguished from the coloured key obviously and to semi-tone. The row composition of the key that chromatic (included 12 tones) emerged in Europe in the 14th age. At the beginning of his emergence the gap - his gap still in the measurement was very wide. One bilah could several centimetre the width through to not many tones of the harmony could be produced. Just in the 16th age, 200 length years, emerged the wide standardisation bilah. One octave totalling 12 bilah was made by the total of them be as wide 16,5 centimetre. This meaning that the diatonic tone could be included in wide one hand could be as far as harmonious music produced. In this development also the white and black key innovation was created.
In the age 15 were created the instrument of music berdawai by being read out through the extract, munculah harpsichord. Harpsichord this continued to develop in the 17th and 18th age. A technique read out string again was developed with the implement struck small that worked. As a result the blow in bilah the key could be done slow and hard. Slow in the Italia language was the piano and hard was forte. The instrument of the new innovation was very popular because the volume of the tone could be arranged hard the weakness manipulated the plank of the key. The name of the implement thenThe instrument keyboard this that enabled the west musical expansion with the spectrum of the harmony that could be said to be unequalled by the other musical current in this earth. The symphony orchestra's composition came from the piano capacity to produce harmonious tones. Keyboard electronics just emerged in the 20th age. Marketed the first time by Laurens Hammond in the United States 1935. Since then began to be developing the instrument that was this current became his king the musical instrument. The symphony orchestra's voice then with dozens of instruments could be produced by one keyboard then.

Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2008

The mechanism of the electric guitar

Pickup was transducer, that comprehended the string vibration to be converted to the electric current. We knew the type pickup humbucker and single coil. Single coil only had one coil of the magnet, whereas humbucker had two coils of the magnet (saw the picture). Both of them of course had the character of the far different voice. As resulting from from being used by him two coils, the voice humbucker thicker, harder his volume, and that was most important eliminated noise 60cycle.Gampang him, pickup must minimal had 2 cables, to masing masing represented the positive and negative pole from this coil. Although quite a few pickup famous like DiMarzio, Seymour Duncan, etc., that used the conductor's 4 cables and 1 ground (the total had 5 cables). This only was limited by the variation from the use pickup that, not meant even more cables, increasingly bagus.Single CoilPickup single coil, only had 2 cable conductors, because only used one kumparan.Selanjut him one of the cables will be made the positive pole and that his one still is negative, was up to you you wanted whichever was what, but must be stressed, both of them produced the different voice, and the factory side usually encloses what cable recommendation that better positive and negative, to produce sound that maksimal.Positif (hot) -> from here your guitar signal went out. Connected to switch (if being available), if not, direct to potensio.Negatif (ground) was 'connected to ground.HumbuckerHumbucker, had two coils with the aim eliminated noise 60cycle. was humbucker that had 2 cables, 3 cables, 4 cables, and 5 cables, varied depended from pabriknya.Kita will discuss humbucker with 4 conductors and 1 bare (5 cables), because this that was general and many digunakan.Pada the picture above, was seen by us had 2 coils that masing masing his tip was connected with the cable (black, red, white, green) and one cable bare (the cable ground, always was connected with ground).' Must be remembered again, the colour of the cable that was used for example here was pickup the make DiMarzio. To pickup other, please was seen by the specification pickup and the colour of the cable for each tip kumparan.Banyak him the conductor's cable, was used to mengkombinasi the two coils, will be used in a manner the series, parallel, or some saja.1.SeriKabel black and the white cable was continued and wrapped with selotip in order to not touch the other circuit, so as to leave the red and green cable as the cable 1 and the cable 2. Setting the series will like this produce the voice output that was maximal, thick, and free noise. The factory DiMarzio personally recommended that the red cable was used as hot wire (positive), and the green cable as ground (the negative). But did not close the possibility could be used sebaliknya.Mengapa was pickup humbucker that only had 2 cables kondukto? . Because of being patented the coil was connected by the series, there was not again the black and white cable that went out, so as could not mengkombinasi the coil in a parallel manner or some then. 2.ParallelMenggunakan parallel, misalnya dengan menyambung 2 kabel dari kumparan yg berbeda (dan berfungsi sebagai kabel 1), lalu sambung 2 kabel lainnya (dan berfungsi sebagai kabel 2). Setting seperti ini akan menghasilkan output yang lebih kecil dari setting seri, suara yang lebih bright dan jernih, dengan sedikit noise.3.Salah satu sajaPilih salah satu kumparan yang mau digunakan, gunakan kedua kabelnya sebagai kabel 1 dan kabel 2. Lalu kabel dari kumparan yang satunya lagi, dibiarkan saja, tidak usah disambung kemana mana.

Setting Guitar

Along with this was several short and simple touch to men'setup your guitar, so that more optimal to be played, and produced tone that was maximal also. Setting Truss RodTruss Rod was sebilah the long iron that was planted inside neck the guitar, to arrange rather neck the guitar continued in the straight situation, to not buckle cembung, or sunken (saw the picture) If Neck Cekung, please to more speed up truss rod neck anda.Begitu also was the reverse, if neck cembung, please to more loosened truss rod' him.

Setting Action

String & High BridgeMensetting action string, his intention arranged the string clearance with the surface of wood in fretboard neck. Increasingly low, will be increasingly light to be played. But the heart of the heart, too low could cause fretbuzz! Changed action string was significant also changed high low bridge, because high low bridge also influenced the highness or lowness senar. then to men'set action this, one by one him the method was to go through bridge. Along with this was the picture in what bridge part that must be turned turned to arrange the highness or lowness (saw the picture).

Setting Intonasi

How him learned your guitar has had the good intonation? Please dengans one tuner. Read out one of the string without being pressed (for example string of one toned E), Then pressed in fret 12 and sounded again. If Nada'nya also exact E, then your guitar intonation already OK! But if lower a little of the E, then promoted saddle bridge to the side of pickup.Dan if higher a little of the E, then reversed saddle bridge to the opponent of the direction pickuplakukan also against all string, until all of them had the intonation that baik.Apa that saddle bridge? Saddle was the place of the string prop in bridge.. (saw the picture was supervised).

High Pickup

The height pickup also must be arranged, lest too much close to string, don't also too much jauh.Terlalu far from string will cause gain decreased. Whereas increasingly Close Pickup with string, increasingly great gain that was produced! But don't be too close, could cause string to touch the magnet pole pieces from pickup, and dismissed the voice that not diinginkan.Ketinggian pickup could be arranged only by turning the two skrup available to their respective edge pickup.

Product Music Bass

Setting Gitar Berikut this was several short and simple touch to men'setup your guitar, so that more optimal to be played, and produced tone that was maximal also. Setting Truss RodTruss Rod was sebilah beMusik this one indeed memeliki the uniqueness that could not be competed with. The booming bass that was hard and beat that was fast made anyone that heard him immediately being encouraged his adrenalin. Possibly for some people rather was difficult to follow the rhythm of this music if was ‘sehat’, but for partygoers, whatever his musical kind, the origin really stamped, definitely has made them attacked dance long that was planted inside neck the guitar, to arrange rather neck the guitar continued in the straight situation, to not buckle cembung, or sunken (saw the picture)
Could be considered to be this one music to music that was enough the minority lately. Although continuing to not lose the lovers of his fanatic. Quite a few of the musicians cadas that really liked beat from the drum and bass, because inside was gotten by several elements beat that was similar.
Lately definitely was difficult very much searched event this one. Perhaps only one organizer that was still brave held event with this musical current. Although being available, usually the profit not the main priority. And came to the agenda of this kind as coming to the Private party then.

History Drum and bass or normally was mentioned DnB was one electronic dance normal music was known by us also with the term jungle. This music personally began to be popularised at the beginning of the 1990 's characteristically music that had beat very fast, that is 160 to 180 bps. Not surprised if being enough to be difficult followed this one musical time. The term underground music apparently very appropriate was towed by him.

At the beginning of his emergence in England, this music is normally mentioned breakbeat hardcore music, but after several following years, apparently the drum term and bass was appropriate to replace the name enough breakbeat hardcore. Although in the same year a great number sprang up musics that were new like dancehall, electro,funk, hip-hop, house, jazz, heavy metal, pop, reggae, rock, techno and trance, but continue to the drum and bass became the champion at that time. Because seldom carried nuances underground, then rarely very we found party this kind in club-club that was commercial. The site rave party usually became one of the mediums that was just right to listen to this one music. If being held in the room then, the dark place and is not too big usually to the favourite.

By.Product Music

Product music Drum

The drum in fact various things. There is snare, Tom-Tom, bass, conga, tymbal, mondo, bedug, tabla... etc., they in fact was the drum, because of playing him by means of being stricken. But that was discussed by us was DRUMSET, that could be considered to be most modern by the form of the drum. Drumset personally in fact consisted of 3 drums, that is Snare, Tom-Tom and bass the drum. To Tom-Tom still could be bisected again, that is: Mounted Tom and floor Tom-Tom (depended on the laying and the diameter). From the three elements still had several elements again important, that is cymbal, hardware (the pedal, hihat the stand, cymbal the stand, snare the stand, Tom holder/Tom the stand) and drumhead.

Tom-Tom consisted of various good measurement sorts in his depth and his diameter. The measurement of a drum of his ray was written 12x10 that his intention was his depth 12 inchi and his diameter 10 inchi. The Tom-Tom diameter varies, usually Tom-Tom was smallest berdiameter 6, and continued to 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18 and 20. The Tom-Tom measurement 14 above could be classed as floor Tom-Tom, but depended on his laying also. Tom-Tom used 2 drumhead, upper and low, except during the 70 's where Tom-and bass the drum only used 1 drumhead, and his voice was very ugly. The Tom-Tom body or that normally is mentioned with shell was made from wood. For the drum of the beginner's class usually used Mahogany wood and for the professional class usually used Birch wood and Maple. Birch wood and Maple more expensive because of producing the voice or tone that was round and clear. Wood in Tom-Tom usually had the thickness from 4 to 10 mm. It was increasingly thin that wood then the voice that was produced increasingly rich and sensitive. Whereas increasingly thick voice wood that was produced increasingly hard, but his voice was not too rich and not all that sensitive.

Bass the drum too much not be different from Tom-Tom, only bass the drum had the bigger diameter, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 and even 26 or more. And bass the drum was stricken by using the pedal and being placed was supervised. But the voice bass the drum unlike Tom-Tom that was speaking "Dung..." But tended speaking "Dug..." (more died his voice). Wood bass the drum tended thicker to produce the louder voice and for the drum endurance personally.

Snare the drum was the drum that was most different around other (from the form and his voice). And snare the drum was the main element from drumset (that most often was stricken). This drum usually measures 10 to 15, but that was most normal was used was the measurement 14. That made the difference in snare the drum that is in this drum underside.

Beneath it used wires that had the shape of the spiral or actual was named Snare Wire/Strainer. The object so that made the difference in snare the drum. If you struck head on him then snare wire was supervised immediately responded, by means of 'struck' came back head low and produced the sharp voice. Therefore, in fact the 'life' from snare the drum was located in snare wire him. If snare wire him was released then the voice that was produced almost be the same as Tom-Tom.

Cymbal, again and again was the 'life' for drumset, because almost was not possible to play the drum without cymbal (for example as eating rice without rice, not ate donk... ). Cymbal consisted of their 4 kinds that is:

1. Hihat cymbal: 'Jantungnya' cymbal and the drum. Was useful to maintain time/tempo. consisted of a pair cymbal. measured 8 to 15. The measurement standart 14"

2. Ride cymbal: was the same his function with hihat but with the form and the different voice. Only consisted of one cymbal but measuring big 18 until 22". the measurement of the standard 20"

3. Crash cymbal: Useful to give phrase/the tone to a song. It was measuring that 13 to 22 depended on the player's appetite.

4. The effect cymbal: the Effect cymbal consisted of Splash, bell, china and swiss. Was useful to give the special 'colour' to a song. Splash and bell usually measured 6 to 12 and to china and swiss usually measured 16 to 22.

Hardware consisted of various form sorts and the function:

# the Pedal: Useful to strike bass the drum, also was available double the pedal, that is the pedal that used 2 pedals and 2 hammers or beater to get the vote that more in bass the drum.

# Hihat the stand: To place hihat cymbal that consisted of 2 cymbal so as you could open and close the two cymbal that with foot left you.

# Cymbal the stand: To place all the kind sorts cymbal except hihat.

# Snare the stand: To place Snare the drum and you could change his position sesuka you. # Tom holder/Tom the stand: Useful to put on Tom-Tom.

Drumhead had the measurement, type, the function and the different thickness. Drumhead consisted of 3 parts; First Batter head, that is drumhead that was drafted especially to be stricken. Secondly, Resonant was only placed in the Tom-Tom underside and the front bass the drum. Head this not to be stricken, head this was useful to give the 'life' in Tom-Tom and bass the drum. And finally was snare side, especially only to be placed dibagian low snare to get the vote snare wire him. Snare side was head that was thinnest. Remembered, not to be stricken.

By.Product Music


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